Back in 2008 my sister cooked this amazing Chili Chicken and Sticky Rice for my mom and I when we went to visit her in the UK. It was out of this world. super spicy and super awesome. I've been telling her to recreate that for years now but she has never been able to get it right. When they came to visit me in June 2012, she tried making it but wasn't as good because she made it a curry instead of a dry Devilled Chili Chicken. Yesterday, I was craving some super yummy chicken and also my food stock for the week had finished so I decided to try whipping up this amazing Chili Chicken. I must say that it turned out really really really well. A pretty close match to my sister's one.
Your Challenge: Cook some Chicken in your kitchen!
Ready --- Steady --- Cook
Chili Chicken
300g Chicken (roughly 3-4 thighs)
1 Onion (sliced)
2 cloves garlic (chopped)
3 tbs Chili Paste
2 tbs Sugar
3 tbs Sweet Chili Sauce
3 tbs Cooking Oil
Salt to taste
1. Heat the oil, add the garlic and onions and temper until onions are soft or brown and set aside.
2. Add the chicken to the pan with some oil and cook for 10 mins or until chicken is cooked.
3. Add the onions to the chicken and mix well
4. add the chili paste, sweet chili sauce and sugar and mix well.
5. add salt if needed
6. taste and adjust spicy-ness to taste.. if too spicy add more sugar, if you want it to be dynamite add more chili paste or dry chili pieces
Note: You can buy Chili Paste in any Asian shop or Supermarket. It's generally made with garlic, shallots, Thai dried chili peppers, tamarind, shrimp paste and palm sugar. Alternatively, if you want to go totally home-made, here's a thai chili paste recipe or the best one to use is this dynamite recipe.
You could also add some broccoli and red bell peppers to the chicken to make it extra Thai like.
You could also add some broccoli and red bell peppers to the chicken to make it extra Thai like.
Challenge Accepted ???
Yum!!! I totally want to try this recipe - it actually looks like it doesn't use too many ingredients. I just need to hunt down my chilli paste...